Spotlight: James Todd

Spotlight: James Todd

Spotlights have returned! We are shining a light on graduates, and their creativity and their experiences at UWE.

Our first feature this year is James Todd; who graduated 2 years ago. James is a CG Generalist and Creative Consultant based in Bristol and Somerset. He is a strong 3D animator and designer and versatile in his creative practice. 

James’s portfolio showcases a range of commercial work from Graphic Design and Animation reels. He hopes to use his animation skills to teach. 

His third-year final film, Post Mortem, has been nominated for 21 different festivals including being selected for the most recent British Animation Public Choice Award. It has been named winner of best animated short for the Bristol Independent Festival and Independent Shorts Award, and a semi-finalist for NanoCon International Film Festival, Duemila20 and the best animation award for the Dirigo International Film Festival.

We asked him some questions about UWE and he graciously answered! 

Why did you choose to study animation at UWE?

Although I was fairly sure what I wanted to do, the open-ended nature of the course was a huge draw, being able to do 2D, 3D and stop motion was great.  As it turned out I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, so I was lucky I tried everything! 

Why did you decide to specialise in CG?

For me, I thought it would be the best choice career-wise and I thought it would be the most practical to work with at home which has worked out well for me. I also can’t draw and can still make stuff look like it does in my head.  

Do you have a favourite memory whilst on the course, and can you share it with us?

I think the series of memories is everyone working on their graduate projects in the studios day in day out. Even though everyone was working on different things, there was a real sense of everyone being in the same boat. 

What have you been up to since leaving UWE?

Freelancing primarily. A bit of teaching at two courses at UWE. Freelancing began at UWE’s launchspace after graduation which although resulted in me changing plans massively, was a great launchpad (or space). 

And lastly: Congratulations on your recent short film, what do you hope to do in the future? Another short?

 A new short is in the works. Probably as miserable as my previous film but hopefully with more of a message. 

James can be contacted on his email:
But you can find him on his instagram, vimeo or his website